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April 16, 2018
Tеknologі Blоckсhaіn teruѕ bегkemЬаng ԁаn раsaг сryрtocurrеnсy ѕemakin ЬеrkеmЬang ԁan kіta tidаk Ьіsa ӏеЬіh sеnang tеntang іtυ. Inі tiԁak һanya mewаkili tегоЬоsan tеknоlogi уаng sіgnіfikan daӏаm arѕitektur ԁаta dаn dаlаm һal kеamаnan menyеԁiakan jагingаn ԁiѕtribυtіf atаu tеrdеѕentrаӏisasі, tеtaрі kamі jυgа mеnԁарatkаn perаsaan Ьahwа gerakаn Ьeѕar sеԁang terјаdi secarа glоbаl. BITRUST Ьеrtuјuan υntuk mеmprоmоsikan kеtеrӏіЬatаn teknоӏogi Ьlосkchаin yаng ӏebіһ Ьeѕаr dаӏаm kehіduрan ѕеһari-hагi kіta ԁengаn menguгangі rіsіkо уang tеrkаit ԁengan іnveѕtaѕi dаlam сгурtосuгrеnсу, sеhіngga memυngkіnkаn рrоyеk-ргоуеk bагυ dаn уаng ѕυdаһ аԁа untυk Ьеrkembаng υntuk kерentіngan seӏυгuһ ѕiѕtеm Mаѕаӏaһ intі уаng dіhаdaрi оӏeh іnνеѕtог potenѕіaӏ ketіkа mеmреrtimЬangkan invеѕtаsi ԁaӏam crурtocυrrencу аԁalаһ mеnіngkаtnyа rіsiko kеrugian ԁаӏam niӏаі altсоin tеrtentu. Pаsar сrурtocurгеncу berkеmbang pеѕat, dеngаn lеЬih daгі 1.380 mаta υаng kгіptо Ьеredаг. Mеnυгut Tһе Businеѕs Inѕіԁeг, Initiаl Cоіn Offегіngѕ (ICOѕ) mеngυmpulkan lеЬih dаrі USD3.5Ьn pаԁа tаһυn 2017. Nаmυn, ѕеӏυruһ раsаr menԁeгіtа kагеnа kuгаngnya tranѕpaгanѕі, реngawasan рerаtυгаn уang teгЬatas, υјi tυntаѕ yаng Ьurυk tегһаdар іnvеѕtor, ԁаn tiԁak аdа Ьеntuk dasаг perlinԁυngan іnvеѕtoг. AkіЬаtnyа, nіlаi aӏtсоіn tіԁak dіatυr оӏeһ siapа pυn ѕelain рaѕaг ԁаn раra pеѕertanуa, уang tеrlіbat ԁaӏаm рroses pеmbеliаn ԁаn рenјυаlаn ԁі рlatfоrm pеrtυkаran. Konԁіsi еkstгіm іnі mеncірtаkаn voӏаtilitаѕ уang ѕаngat Ьеsаr, уang mеnеmрatkаn banуak сaӏоn іnvestoг ԁaгi mеmЬeӏi mаta uаng dаn, аkiЬatnуа, mendukυng pегgerаkan teknоӏogi Ьӏoсkchаin. Aра Itυ BITRUST ? BITRUST аԁаӏaһ рaѕaг aѕurаnѕі cгyptoсυrгenсу рeer-to-pееr (P2P) yаng tеrјаngkau, terdesеntrаliѕasi, mυdаh ԁіgυnakan уаng ԁiԁаѕаrkan pаԁа Etһеreum, teknоlogi kontrak-pіntаr memanfаatkаn Ьӏoсkcһaіn. Tυjυаn BITRUST аdalah menjadі teгјangkаu Ьagі investоr matа υang dіgіtal rіtеӏ ԁеngаn νоlυmе рerdаgangаn Ьυӏаnаn гata-гata antaгa $ 100 dаn $ 100.000. Fitυr Utаmа Dаrі BITRUST Desentraӏіѕasі - Lanԁasаn dагi рlаtfоrm aѕυransі crуptoсurгеnсу BITRUST аdaӏaһ sistеm pеrtukаrаn ԁаn tгanѕaksi klігіng уаng tегԁеѕеntгаӏiѕаsі yаng mengelіminаѕі kemungkinаn рenіpuan dаn гіsіkо ѕіnglе-рoіnt-of-fаіlurе dаn menсegаһ siѕtem ԁагі regulaѕі еkѕtегnaӏ. Anоnim - BITRUST tiԁаk menаnyakаn ԁаtа pribaԁі aра pυn kагеnа kamі yаkіn bаhwa pеluаng Anԁa untυk mengeӏola аѕеt ԁаn peгԁаgangan Anԁа ѕеnԁiгi tidаk Ьoleһ terрengаrυh оӏeh ѕiара Andа. Intυіtіf ԁаn muԁah ԁіgυnаkan UI - Antaгmukа pеnggυnа рӏatfоrm аѕυranѕi cryptoсυrгenсу BITRUST аdalah salaһ sаtu уang palіng ѕеderһаna ԁan mυԁаh ԁіgunаkаn уang регnaһ Andа lіһat dі cгурtоwoгӏd. Itυ aԁаӏаһ ргіorіtаs kаmi sејak аwаl υntuk memЬuаt pгoԁuk kаmi sеmuԁаһ ԁan sеintυs mungkіn bаgі реnggυna kamі. Kamі terіnsріraѕі oleһ аplіkаѕі ԁan ӏаyаnan рerbankan ѕeӏυӏer teгЬаіk, seһingga Anԁa mегaѕа akrаЬ Ьеkеrјa ԁеngаn рӏatfоrm BITRUST. Kеаmаnan kelаs аtas - Tеknоӏоgi kоntгak сeгdаs bеrԁaѕагkan рada Etherеum blockcһаіn, yаng meгυрakan ԁаѕаг dагі pӏatfоrm asuгаnѕi crурtоcυrrеnсy BITRUST, memaѕtikаn Ьahwa sеmua dаtа Andа аkаn amаn dаn tіdаk аdа уаng dараt meniрυ ԁan mеngаmbiӏ аӏіh аset Andа. Bagaіmanа Caгa BITRUST Bekerjа ? Karеna BITRUST аԁаlaһ рlаtfогm asuгаnsi сryptоcυггеncy teгdistгibυsі peer-tо-pеeг, kontгаk cегԁаѕ BITRUST ԁaрat mеӏіЬatkan dυa аtаυ lеЬіһ cоuntегpаrt. Untυk kesеԁerһаnаan, kаmі mеnggunаkаn iѕtiӏаh-iѕtіlah beгikυt: mегekа уаng mеncaгi aѕuгаnѕі adаӏаh PеmЬeӏі (B-ѕіԁe), dаn mеrekа уаng bersеԁia untυk mеngаsυгаnѕikan disеЬυt Pеnjυal (S-ѕidе). Cоntоһ: 1. B-ѕide menеmpatkan tаwaran раdа pӏаtfoгm BITRUST untυk memаѕtіkаn рoѕiѕi teгtentυ: Aѕυгanѕikan tеrhаdap ETH (dеngаn niӏaі $ 100) menјatuhkan һагgа ѕebеѕаг 30% terһaԁaр BTC sеlаma 96 јаm (bеrdasагkan inԁeks tегtentυ). 2. Dengаn аtаu tаnpa регsyаrаtan teгtentυ: Bегѕedіa mеmЬaуаr dаlаm mаta υаng ԁіgіtаl ѕetагa ԁengаn $ 5 sеbagаi аsurаnѕі. Klаim sеtaга ԁengаn $ 15 јіka hаrgа tuгun menјaԁі $ 70 ataυ lеbіh rendаһ. 3. S-ѕiԁе mungkіn hаnуа ѕatu pеnјυаӏ ataυ ѕekeӏomроk рenјuaӏ, уаng dаpаt: Sеtυjυі рeгѕyаrаtan yаng dіaјukan оlеһ B-ѕide. Atаυ bυаt реnаwагan Ьaӏіk yаng mеngusυlkаn peгѕyагаtan yаng sеdіkit ԁiаmanԁemen. Anggaрӏaһ kеdua Ьеlаh ріhak menуеtυjυі рeгsуаratan ԁan teӏаһ mеngυnсі jυmlah уang ԁіseрakаti ԁаӏam kоntrak сeгdas BITRUST. B-ѕiԁe mеngunci ѕetаra ԁеngаn $ 5 (biaуa asυrаnsi) dаn kυnсі S-ѕiԁе уang ѕеtara ԁengаn $ 15 (Ьaԁаn asuгаnsі). Totаl kоntгak pіntaг BITRUST setаrа ԁеngan $ 20: Skenагio 1: Sеtеlаh 96 јam, dυrasi kоntгak BITRUST уang ԁіѕеtυjυі, tоkеn ETH tυrυn ѕеЬеѕar 30% tеrһadар BTC. Kontrаk сeгdas BITRUST mеӏаksаnаkan kesepаkаtаn уang telаh ԁisepаkаti ѕеbеӏumnуа ԁan mеngігimkаn ѕetага dеngan $ 20 (dіkυгangi 0,1% bіaуа) kе ѕіsі-B: $ 5 ԁаrі bіауa аѕuransі ԁіtаmbaһ $ 15 ԁагі badаn asurаnѕi yаng sеЬеnаrnуa, і. е. mеmbаtаѕi еksроsυгnуа terhadaр hiӏаngnуa 50% niӏаі matа uаng digitaӏ yаng ԁiaѕυrаnsikan. Skenаriо 2: Setеlah 96 јam, ԁurasі kontгak BITRUST уаng dіsераkаti, tоkеn ETH tіdаk menυгυn niӏаіnya teгhaԁap BTC. Kоntгаk pіntaг BITRUST mengeksеkusi keѕерakatan уаng teӏaһ ԁisetυјuі sеbelυmnya dаn mеngiгіmkan ѕеtагa dеngan $ 20 (ԁіkuгаngi 0,1% biaуа) kе S-ѕiԁе: $ 5 ԁaгi Ьіаya аѕυгanѕі ԁitamЬаһ $ 15 ԁarі Ьadan аsuranѕi уang ѕеЬеnагnуа. S-Siԁe tеlаh menԁаpаtkan ѕetаra ԁеngan $ 5 (ԁikurаngi 0,1% Ьіаya) ԁеngаn mengаѕuгansikan ѕіѕі-B tеrhаdар реrgeѕегan раsаг yаng ԁrastis. B-sіde telаһ diasυranѕikаn dеngan biауа $ 5. Tоken BITRUST Ekоѕiѕtem Etһеrеum mеmungkinkаn pеnggeӏагan kоntгаk cеrdаs Tυring-complеte уаng lengkаp dі аtas Ьӏoсkcһаіn-nyа. FӏeksіЬіlitаѕ ԁan рeграnјаngan inі tеlаһ memЬuаt tokеn ERC20 mеnjaԁі tоkеn stаnԁаг рeneгЬitаn yаng pаling seгіng dіgunаkаn. Tokеn bеrbаѕіѕ Etһeгеum mеngаnԁаlkаn іnfrаѕtгuktuг Etһerеυm yаng mараn уаng ԁiυntungkаn ԁагі beЬeгapa fitυг: Kеamаnаn dаn рrеԁiktaЬiӏitaѕ (dіЬandingkаn ԁеngаn, misalnуa, hагus menjalаnkаn јaringаn Ьӏоckсһаin indеpеndеn). Penggυnааn klіеn уаng kυаt dаn ԁiԁukung dengаn Ьаіk (tokеn Ьеrbasіs Etһегеυm ԁаpаt ԁіkeloӏа ԁеngan kliеn Etһerеum гeѕmі). Lіkuidіtаѕ tinggі (dipertυkarkan ԁеngаn tоkеn berЬаѕіs Ethеreum ӏаin atаu Ethег), Ьеrаrti daftаr yаng lеЬiһ mυdаһ padа pertukaгan ԁengan іnfгаstrυktur уаng adа.
Maret 11, 2018

Gatecoin adalah bisnis operator lisensi.
Gatecoin menambahkan sistem pertukaran bitcoin.
Buat sebuah akun :
Anda harus mendaftarkan akun dengan alamat email yang aman dan kata sandi yang kuat.
Anda harus memasukkan informasi pribadi Anda yang sesuai dengan rincian ID atau paspor dan bukti alamat Anda saat ini. Jangan memasukkan informasi pribadi palsu Anda. Jika Anda memasukkan informasi pribadi palsu saat Anda ingin memverifikasi akun Anda, Anda tidak dapat melakukan ini dengan benar, jadi berhati-hatilah dengan masalah ini.
Setelah selesai langkah tersebut anda harus Verifikasi alamat email anda.
Bagian terakhir adalah Mengunggah salinan digital ID atau paspor dan bukti dokumen tempat tinggal Anda untuk verifikasi akun.
Verifikasi akun anda :
Jika Anda ingin masuk gatecoin terlebih dahulu, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa Anda harus hadir dengan legalitas penuh. Jika akun Anda tidak diverifikasi maka Anda tidak diterima di gatecoin.
Jika Anda ingin memverifikasi akun yang Anda butuhkan
bukti ID yang valid (dikeluarkan dalam 10 tahun terakhir)
Bukti tinggal yang sah (tertanggal dalam tiga bulan terakhir)
Anda juga perlu melengkapi versi online dari 'sumber dana kuesioner' mereka.
Mereka tidak menerima kartu nid palsu, paspor palsu. Jika semua informasi kartu id tidak sesuai dengan informasi akun gatecoin maka mereka tidak akan menerima akun Anda. Jadi, lakukan hal tersebut dengan hati-hati jika Anda ingin memverifikasi akun Anda.
Anda bisa berdagang dengan gatecoin. Gatecoin mencatatkan pasangan trading bitcoin yaitu:
BTCHKD (Bitcoin <> Dolar Hong Kong)
BTCUSD (Bitcoin <> Dolar Amerika Serikat)
BTCEUR (Bitcoin <> Euro)
Lebih banyak lagi akan segera hadir
Bila Anda ingin Withdraw
Anda harus klik withdraw lalu masuk ke tab akun
Tambahkan akun jika Anda belum mendaftarkan rekening bank di Gatecoin.
Masukkan semua informasi yang diperlukan yang terkait dengan rekening bank Anda untuk memastikan tim gatecoin dapat memproses transfer Anda, termasuk kode SWIFT, kode bank dll. Jika Anda salah atau Anda tidak mengirimkan informasi yang salah, permintaan transaksi akan ditolak oleh bank. Jadi hati-hati saat Anda mengirimkan informasi Anda.
Bila Anda telah menambahkan rekening bank, masuk ke "" penarikan dana "" periksa ringkasan permintaan Anda dengan hati-hati dan tekan "kirim"
Itu yang harus Anda lakukan untuk menarik dana berharga Anda.
Ini bisa mengubah hidup Anda jika Anda tinggal dengan gatecoin. Anda harus melakukan kerja keras lebih dan lebih maka Anda akan sukses. Jangan lupa untuk menggunakan otak Anda dengan benar pada perdagangan kripto dengan gatecoin.





Whitepaper: https://www.gatcoin.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/170919v2-Whitepaper-EN.pdf
Telegram: https: // t. saya / gatcoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gatcoin
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/gatcoinofficial/
Oleh RyanEncek
Maret 11, 2018

The prediction market is a financial or information market, where participants trade in contracts whose results depend on future unknown events1. It is based on an efficient market hypothesis. The market price will be the best predictor of the event, in a truly efficient prediction market, and there is no other combination of information that can be used or applied to improve market forecasts. However, it is unlikely the prediction market is really efficient. In essence, the prediction market allows participants to bet bets on the possibility of events occurring 2, such as events related to elections, sports, weather, entertainment, etc. Individuals who participate in the market, by buying stocks or 'betting' on certain specific results,
Strengths and Potential Market Predictions
Market prediction is very useful to estimate market expectations about a particular event. This market has its limitations; However, to predict the future, it may be useful as a supplement to other primitive mechanisms such as politically-appointed expert panel, survey opinions, committee meetings, and recruitment consultants. In the private sector, there is an increasing interest in the market forecast, growing rapidly. Economists, analysts and other stakeholders are using predictions of market results in subsequent analysis. Analysts have connected the time-frame sequence that appears in the predication market with other variable time spans. For example, the joint movement between the risks of war and oil prices (as a causal relationship) has been illustrated earlier, where the war caused an increase in oil prices by $ 10 per barrel. Forecasts or predictions related to political outcomes have increased the scope and strength of the predictive market. The notion of a predicate market is revived, after previous efforts, with the spread of the internet, which dramatically reduced the barriers to entry for creation and participation in this market. The success of IEM in predicting presidential elections inspired dozens of other predicted markets. Platforms such as the Hollywood Stock Exchange and radeSports.com, in the 90s and early 2000s, demonstrate the power and potential of the predicate market to the world, the type of Market Prediction of Rewards, in the predictions market, linked to future events. Designing a reward link to an upcoming event can generate market expectations about different parameters. Market predictions can be classified with respect to the main types of contracts, which include winners-take-all, indexes and spreads.


Market Application Predictions Over the years, there have been an increasing number of web-based event markets, often run by companies that provide a variety of gambling and trading services. Some prominent examples include Betfair.com and bet365.com. Market predictions have been applied in various domains successfully. Mostly, the market forecast is used for medium and short-term forecasts. However, this market has great potential in long-term forecasting and evaluation. Here are some of the previous app fields for short and medium forecast:

Moirai Moirai's goal aims to be a disruptive force in various global markets systematically. These markets include finance, insurance, sports betting, political event predictions, and information. Moirai's prediction market will provide a unique incidencevisation opportunity for both global and global local economies The platform is based on a decentralized network. The following are Moirai's main goals:
Build efficient and effective forecasting tools by bridging real-world events into blockchain through prediction and prophecy markets.
Build a global open market prediction platform and become the standard for predictive assets. Moirai Ecosystem The Moirai Ecosystem is based on a global decentralized network, centered around the prediction market. Users in the ecosystem are able to explore and participate in events created by operators and providers. It builds a long-term cooperative operating model, providing an opportunity to compete and innovate to get compensation to service providers. On the other hand, users have the ability to profit from participating in various events related to predictions.
Token Trading Moirai's financial work structure is based on the use of a cryptographic token system also called Moirai Token or MOI. Similarly, other cryptographic currencies; MOI is also designed as a fractional that can be shared, exchangeable, and transferable. Usability and Purpose MOI The inclusion of MOI in Moirai's new business prediction is intentionally done to do most of the financial activities in this business. Moirai's dependence on MOI has enhanced its integrity as it is the driving force of the business economy. The activities included in MOI's MOI's focus in business.

Prediction Applications The development and publicity of clients for the emergence of the Moirai platform will be done with the help of the Moirai digital application functionality that will be available for both desktop and mobile users. It will be available for download as an open source app that will apply user-related models while allowing access through the Ethereum contract to Moirai along with the opportunity to access the list, content, and event-oriented data that will be obtained from cloud storage. based decentralization facility. Moirai Application Operating Mechanism The Moirai desktop application version will be compatible to run on the following platforms including: - Windows - Macintosh - Linux.

Duration: Moirai Project Development

Marketing Strategy A marketing strategy for any business plays an important role in its success and growth related to profitability. To make Moirai's new venture successful in the industry of prediction, an effective marketing strategy is needed to be designed and implemented. In business prediction, business strategy often also acts as a marketing strategy and so does the case of Moirai, whose focus is to align the two strategies in the same direction. Generally, marketing strategy is based on components including buyer's match with the seller and clarity in the contact statement in trade10. These components are deemed necessary for the Moirai business model marketing design and described below to be combined.

It is estimated that the business will generate € 2 million in its first year of operation with a profit of € 40,000. The net profit margin during the first fiscal year (2018) will be 2%, projected at 19% by 2022.



more info :
Website: https: //ico.moirai.io/
Ann: https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topics = 2290769
FACEBOOK: https: // www.facebook.com/Moirai-Predict-LTD-1671954776156448/
Telegram: https: //t.me/moirai_io
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/MoiraiPM
REDDIT: https: / / www.reddit.com/r/Moirai_ICO/
By RyanEncek
Cashaa: P2P Market Place for Cryptocurrency & Cash Sender Traders
Maret 11, 2018

Today I am very happy to let you Introduce one of the biggest startup companies that use Blockchain and Internet to transfer money at 0 Fess.
So why do we have to talk directly to Cashaa ???
As you know The world is changing so fast that to cop-up with the community we have to move in the current with them. Once there is time for the computer after the internet goes into the picture and now we have the latest Called Cashaa technology. If you do not want to pay high money transfer fees then you should know about the cashaa platform that has been launched in UK, India, Nigeria.
What is cashaa ???
Cashaa is the gateway to consumer-centric and affordable consumer products intended for Blockchain consumer adoption without having to understand the technical details of Blockchain technology. The Cashaa wallet system, integrated with peer to peer exchanges with a full spectrum of full digital financial services, enables its community to store, spend, borrow and get insurance, with a simplified user experience in a legal way.
Why do we need Cashaa in everyday life ???
There is not just one reason you have to use cashaa in everyday life, there are many features and opportunities provided by cashaa to millions of people. Let's see one by one.
1) Produce financial products for Banked and Unbanked

2) Facilitating the Cheap Money Exchange

3) Enable Investment in Global

4) Dedicated to Communities with Open APIs

This is not where Cashaa Stop is not just a bank more than that. There is a wallet that provides a complete spectrum of digital centric customer financial services such as instant balance updates, sending, receiving, paying, borrowing and insuring with beautiful interfaces and easy-to-use notifications.
So Let's move on to the Important Question about How can we use Cashaa or Buy Cashaa token ...

The distribution of a CAS token in connection with a Token generation event ("Cashaa Token Event") to you as a user, will be subject to and governed by T & C - which is a separate document specifying the terms and conditions of the deal between the distributor and you in connection with the Cashaa generation event Token. In the event of any inconsistency between this T & C and the Whitepaper, the former shall apply. Distributors will become Cashaa affiliates, and all funds collected in connection with the Cashaa Token generation event will be used to fund Cashaa's cryptographic projects, projects and operations. Unless the context requires otherwise,

The next generation Cashaa Token event is announced from 6 November 2017, 13:00 London time Singapore time 9 PM (UTC +8) / 2PM Munich Time and 8:00 New York Time and scheduled to end on 5 December.

So my guys really like this Project and I think it will be very big for Remittance Industries, so buy CAS Token in the first place so you can enjoy the bonus. So from Now No one will pay an extra fee for money transfer just by using Cashaa app. the name of the sender and the amount you want to send and the rest of Cashaa will look after ...
Be part of it Before it's too late
So, as you know there is always a chance but the only problem is we do not recognize it on time. So if you do not want to lose this time, put a mark on the calendar so you can remember the token sale date. The future is unpredictable but We have used this opportunity in the right time frame and this is Cashaa, an opportunity for your success, just take it before it's too late.
more info :
WEBSITE: https://cashaa.com/
WHITEPAPER: https://cashaa.com/pdf/Cashaa_WP.pdf
By RyanEncek
Cashaa: P2P Market Place for Cryptocurrency & Cash Sender Traders
MULTIBOT — Multithreaded trading platform in cloud
Maret 11, 2018

The Multibot platform is intended to solve user interaction problems with cryptocurrency exchange and continuous monitoring of the market, at the maximum number of trading platforms. Based on and using the advantages of the SaaS model, the platform is designed to lower entry thresholds into exchange trades in cryptocurrencies.
ICO Structure
Multibot raises funds for launch, promotion and platform development. For this purpose, Multibot (MBT) investment tokens, in accordance with ERC20 standard5, have issued and smart contracts based on the Ethereum 6 platform
Token name: MBT sign - along with Multibot smart contract
Multibot Token gives you the right to share platform advantages. 50% share of platform earnings is distributed to all active tokens.
Payment Procedure
After the start of the platform, at the end of each quarter, 50% of the distributed earnings are transferred to the Ethereum (ETH) wallet, after which the ETH is distributed among the MBT holders according to the intelligent contract data (according to the percentage of tokens of their number).
Initial value of token
When a smart contract is issued on an Etherum network, the initial value of the token is set at 25,000,000 MBT. unsold token, at the end of ICO will be destroyed.
Original price
The cost of one token is set at $ 1 per mark.
Token Distribution:
- User: 95%
- Founder: 3%
- Bounty Company: 2%

Multibot Roadmap
The project is in pre-release condition, with partially realized instruments and multiple platform coverage (Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Wex (formerly BTC)). Since the project provides many ideas, and is devoted to the maximum coverage of the exchange, we will gradually expand and enhance the platform capabilities in accordance with our Roadmap.

A key priority in the development of the Multibot platform is the security of user funds. serious attention is planned to be given to checking the operation of the tools and data security.
cloud technology
The platform is based on various technologies for the implementation of all assigned tasks, but the foundation of the project is cloud technology. Web clouds allow you to quickly deploy a number of small isolated instances with dedicated IP addresses, which are essential for working with exchanges that limit the number of requests from a single IP address.

Any newly developed tool or algorithm requires careful testing in various situations. Each stage must undergo stress tests in real situations and simulations. New functions will be published for a limited group of control users, to evaluate their effectiveness and relevance.
This requires constant analysis of the use of platform functions, and processing of user interaction systems to highlight key points, so as not to overload the platform with unnecessary and little-used tools.
Multibot closed development and information about real infrastructure, location of equipment, real IP address, source code and list of used solutions not published for security reasons.
There is no direct access to instances in the cloud, all interactions between the user's platform and the examples take place only through a dedicated interface that directs tasks to the cloud through their own design API.
Signals are a tool for informing users who subscribe to notifications of sudden changes in the crypto-currency level or volume of events or important events that affect them.
It is planned to use several types of signals, which are automatically released automatically based on calculations from the Multibot analysis software module, manually sent by teams from news aggregation departments and assess their significance, as well as user signals that they can customize for events with their own parameters.

Program deviations on trading platforms allow you to benefit from buying and selling tokens on different platforms. Slow draws, slow registration of transactions, transaction delays, significantly different interface exchanges and the need to work with each in their windows, significantly complicate this process. And, if the slow transfer of funds can be bypassed, having an active balance on every exchange, then it is impossible to get rid of many windows without using third party tools.

Bot Trade
our platform will be a fully autonomous robot that executes sales cycle transactions in exchange with given algorithms in order to turn funds around and make a profit.
All algorithms boil down to two principles: buy cheaper and sell more expensive, or sell more expensive and buy less. Successful tasks completed with time-tested strategies. To maximize profits, it is possible to use a learning machine to choose the best selling point. The most effective method is the symbiosis of this method, when at the time of launching the next cycle and the strategy used choose the neural network based on the accumulated experience.
Free Tariff
A conditional free model9 is projected to be the most popular product in a way that you can familiarize yourself with system capabilities and motivate users to switch to a paid rate. Also, this model does not include the loss of most of the viewers, who need a solution from a minor problem or their rare implementation. The service monetization for this model consists in displaying ad units on the interface page and selling small paid functions.
Rates paid
Tariff, intended for users who are constantly working with exchange and cryptocurrency. No ads, no limit to the functionality and frequency of requests, with initial access to new functions, with custom examples in the cloud and dedicated IP addresses. This rate will provide priority technical support. Furthermore, it is possible to divide the tariff scale into several tariffs, depending on the needs of the users in the number of tasks simultaneously performed.
Customized solution
In the future, it will be possible to create individual solutions for professional market participants with software that runs platform-independent on separate equipment.

Check Our Video
more info :
Website: https://multibot.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/multibotio/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Gdimsg4ZThrX-u5zUcR8-Q
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/multibotio/
WhitePapper: https://multibot.io/whitepaper.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2248394
By RyanEncek
My ETH : 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51
Investy [ICO] System Investigation Block Chain
Maret 11, 2018

Investment is a key element of human existence and continuity. It is always a wise thing to do with pictures of the future. Also, no one is investing with the little coward he is hiding. Robert g. "What does one million people know about how many people have become rich by investing in a savings account?
With the rapid increase in world cryptocurrency experience every day, many investors have moved away from investing in the same type of property to invest in subtle concepts such as cryptos. Crypto Ethereum, Bitcoin and others are just a few, but there are more than 1000 token coins in existence and more access to the daily market where many investors do not know. Even when they do, the concept is too risky, confusing, and risky to invest money. For this reason, Investiv needs to be on the scene so everyone can support business cryptocurrency and make everyone happy. For a detailed analysis, please visit www.investy.io.
Investment Overview
Investy is a platform for social cryptoinvestment that provides investors and cryptocurrencies and Token with safety and continuity. Waxing is very similar to Crytoexchange.
Exchange is currently in a dynamic growth phase, but it's just the beginning. Alien attracts more people, has more potential, and opens up new possibilities for investment. However, the present foreign danger and instability; There are not many tools and solutions needed to exchange new members. In particular, investor choice depends on advertising and marketing funding. Investors have insufficient data to estimate the requirements of cryptofunds and for comparative analysis to measure the potential profitability of the investment.
Investy's mission is to provide new members with new opportunities and exchange of investment in new industries to help experienced people like new members and merchants and cryptofunds find each other.

How do you achieve this?
- Ensure transparency of your data. This is achieved by providing investors with a marketplace in which to choose a trader or a fund, and the data on the results confirm that he is concerned that he is really looking.
- Oversees the investment safety of investors.
- By using an extremely easy and user-friendly system, you gain confidence in the system among all the parties involved, especially investors and merchants.
- We also use expert systems to achieve our goals. The medium allows all work to pass through the expert system Investy. This is to exclude the possibility of fraud. This task safeguards the money of cheaters and investors who are maliciously blocked by the system and hinder the opportunity to work through the platform.
- With the introduction of a demo account. For demo mode transactions, the user is not listed on the stock exchange and decryption is partially transferred to the primary account. He is just learning how the company uses some of the evidence given to him for this purpose.
- The introduction of blockbases based on smart bombs is an agreement to create this unique package that rotates at optimum speed. Blockchain is used as general reachable data which enables transparent input and can not be falsified.
For this reason, Investy was a huge success and not very successful when we found a lot at https://investy.io/Investy-WP-EN.pdf.
Investment table for sale
Investors produce tokens. IVC will be used as a prepayment for platform services such as demo accounts, transaction bots, etc. after platform launch.
The ale token is divided into the following steps.
Closed day pre-sale
At this stage, 9 million IVCs will be sold. Hat $ 306.000.
1 The IVC price is $ 34. The sale ended in September 2017, but if you miss it, take a sedative because there is a second chance.
Sales token
During the sale, 164 million IVCs are sold, and bonus tokens IVC are available at time intervals for token sales
Hard Hat $ 14.2 Million
Cost of IVC = $ 0.1 Token sold. This general token sales ICO will be held from November to December 2017.

Details Information :
Website : https://investy.io/
Whitepaper : https://ito.investy.io/Investy-WP-EN.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/investy3/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Investy3
Telegram : https://t.me/InvestyCommunityEN
By RyanEncek